Site Diary: Trench 1

Second week

Work continues on Trench 1, and there is now little doubt that we are dealing with an area associated with prehistoric occupation. We are now beginning to identify the outlines of a circular structure defined by a variable stone bank some 14 metres in diameter.

Within this structure, spreads of pottery, stone tools and burnt stone suggest a later Bronze Age and perhaps early Iron Age date for much of the activities in the area. Trowelling continues and a series of features are beginning to emerge. Work over the next few days will hopefully add more detail to the picture.

A major question that remains is whether or not the circular stone structure is simply a product of one phase of activity. At the moment, it is still quite possible that we may have a pre-existing bank that served another purpose, only later to be incorporated into a bank encircling a building.

See the forest of finds tags on the photographs below: