1999 Field Diaries

Welcome to the diary for the 1999 season of excavations on Gardom's Edge. This was the fifth and last major season of excavations on the moor and we again focused on a range of features which include later prehistoric buildings, field banks, cairns and a pit alignment.

About the excavations

We returned to two features dug last year - a complex set of buildings, banks and cairns (trench 1) and a pit alignment (trench 2).

Later prehistoric buildings

Field banks


Pit alignment

We have also located a number of trenches (3-5) in an area in the northern part of the field system which comprises a large rectangular field defined by earthern and stony field banks. This contrasts with the system of smaller, irregular fields we have worked within in previous years.

While these smaller fields contain small clearance cairns located in an irregular pattern, this field is associated with a series of large cairns laid out in a regular grid. Amongst the questions we hope to approach in this area include:

Site diaries

The diaries highlight the developments in the various trenches for each week of the field season.

Map showing location of Trench 1

Containing a complex set of buildings, banks and cairns.

Map showing location of Trench 2

Containing a pit alignment.

Map showing location of Trench 3

Containing a large cairn.

Map showing location of Trench 4

Cointaining a field boundary.

Map showing location of Trench 5

Containing an earthen field bank.

New in week two.

New in week two.