Public Activities and Schools Educational Program

Everyday was open day during the public season of the dig. The public season safely closed on Sunday 4 July, without interruption by Nostradamus' supposed prophecy of the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine). The final weekend saw hundreds of visitors to the excavation as well as a large and knowledgeable group join the last landscape walk with an archaeologist.

Activity Weekend, 26-27 June 1999

On the weekend of the 26-27 of June we also had an End of the Millennium Activity Weekend which drew in record crowds.

The State of Flux Theatre Group, who have been working with Mike Dymond on school educational visits, involved children in a number of roleplaying encounters with Neolithic farmers, hunter-gatherers and shamen. Both Chesterfield and Sheffield Young Archaeologists Clubs joined in their activities with relish.