Activity Weekend:
Flint Knapping

John and Val Lord demonstrated flint knapping and leather-working dressed in prehistoric costume on the sun-drenched Saturday. Their fantastic works of skill transfixed visitors and site workers alike, bringing our own flint artefacts to life as we saw how they where made, and how they might have looked when in use four thousand years ago!

John places finishing touches on a large hand axe, while Val prepares to haft a leaf-shaped arrowhead with willow twine.

John uses a variety of harder stones to apply finishing touches to a knive blade.

A reconstructed arrow and flint knive, showing us what the artefacts from Trench 3 may have looked like at their time of use.

A complete prehistoric 'tool kit', including the finished products, and the necessary equipment to make and maintain them.

John and Val Lord can be contacted at:

The Old Mill House
Chalk Row Road
Kings Lynn
PE33 9BW

Tel: +44 1366 328 080

Mobile: +44 3780 03636